Saturday 3 June 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Three, Episode Twelve! (One Nursery, Many Rugs)

Well, readers, this update is quite small, but it carries with it an announcement - I am not going to be updating this as frequently. I've decided that the updates have become very mundane, so I will instead be sharing the best stuff only! This will be the last mundane update, I promise!

So, I've put down rugs in the nursery, to cover the huge amounts of spare space, including matching little rugs for the boys! (They have ladybirds on them, I had to!) I think it's a gorgeous little nursery now.

Violet absolutely adores her very young son, and seems to forever be cuddling him and making sure he's ok. Isn't that precious?

(He loves her very much too, and always gets the Sad moodlet when she leaves the room. D'aww.)

 Asriel can climb the stairs now, as I mentioned, and I caught him doing so.

I've also been remaking the house in what I feel to be Violet's taste! So it's goodbye, blue, hello, purple for a lot of things. I think I'll remake the house for each heir, actually! And Mackenzie doesn't seem to mind!

See you whenever!
- lilypadmeulin