Tuesday 21 February 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Five! (Laurel and Hardy)

Greetings, my lovelies!
So, I've recently set up another Legacy Challenge blog, which you can go and read here ! That being said, I've been focusing on it for the past day or so, so I felt it was time to get back to the Waveborns.

The house is coming together quite nicely now. Hopefully, I can soon sort out the garden to a more aesthetically pleasing little place, but my money had to be spent...on bills. Yes, those dreadful things came around again! This time, they were about §1,300, so I guess that our expenses have gone up.

The living room has been moved around, and I've bought a fishtank and two fancy goldfish.

In this photo, you can see the fish! There's such a lot of detail in this game that it astounds me. I've called the fish Laurel and Hardy.

I also found Malcolm Landgraab had at some point wandered into the house. Immediately, he was asked to leave.
(I just don't like the dude.)

Our current heir, although he is close to aging up, has been coming home from school extremely tense. Seeing as he needs to relax, I had him take a nice soothing mud bath, which seemed to do the trick.

And in order not to upset tradition, as there was stress in the house, the shower broke. :(

As did the toilet.
Luckily, Mariana was on hand to fix both, but I'm a little concerned that this keeps happening. Still, they're the cheapest in plumbing, so this can pretty much be expected.

Vino has recently just been leaving plates all over the shop, so I'm definitely going to have him fall in love and move out, although not in the style of Tada. He literally just makes EVERYTHING dirty! Seriously, I can't even with that boy. Rudolph's having to clean up after his brother all the time!

Evidence - the amount of bowls he's left on this table.

Even with Laurel and Hardy, the living room was still looking quite bare, so I decided it was time to PUT DOWN SOME RUGS! These are custom content, and they're so nice and marine-themed. Nautical!

And yes, Rudolph got one for his room. His toes need to be cosy.

Speaking of our heir, he's been painting away. Laurel and Hardy look very happy next to this...actually beautiful painting. This one I actually nearly kept, but it was a Masterpiece, so I had to sell it. Boo.

And...I completed the (plain but pretty nice) Master Bedroom! The door is locked, but it's waiting for the day he brings home his One True Love, which should actually be pretty soon! Hopefully, the glitch I've been having at the moment where they have just been taking a piece of the cake as soon as they bake it should clear up by then. Even when I cancel the action of taking a piece, it still happens!

But even if Rudolph does end up aging automatically, this cosy little Master Bedroom will await him and his future bride. Seeing as I don't actually know the young adults around here, it should be...fun trying to find a lady love for him, because I haven't scouted like I did with Tada.

I wonder what the next spouse will look like?

During the time where I was trying to host a birthday party, I invited Johanna and Tada over. Vino clearly wasn't happy to see Johanna...


While Tada didn't speak to anyone and just headed for the computer in his old room. I think...I think he might still be mad at me.
Please don't hate me, Tada!

However, Issac ended up aging automatically!
I'm probably going to have to change his pjs. Vocaloid T-Shirts just...aren't Oldtime Muscleman's thing anymore.

He's still handy with that Upgrade skill, though!

I also wanted to share this pretty peaceful picture of Rudolph, which I'm tempted to put at the top of the page. Heck, I might even do so after I've posted this episode! It's just a nice, calm screenshot.

Mariana's also been using the easel to paint, and although her paintings aren't on Rudy's level, they are pretty nice, and bring in money. So at the moment, we're back to §2,000 and counting!

Want to see more of Oldtime Muscleman? Comment below!

- lilypadmeulin

Sunday 19 February 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Four! (WHEN WILL MY REFLECTION...)

Welcome back!

So today, the 19th, is my birthday, and a member of my family bought me the Romantic Garden Stuff pack! Inspired by that, though kind of unable to do anything like use the statues to create a proper garden, I've upgraded the garden, as it were, to raised beds!

The two plants in pots are hybrid plants, and I have since moved them to allow more room for watering. I'm really pleased, though, as the next step is a proper garden, with railings! I'm undecided as to whether or not I should keep it at the side of the house  or not, because it might be better to move it to the back.

Either way, I'm very happy with it, as it's more of a solid looking garden, and if I do move it to the back, I can create an area with statues and maybe even a fountain or two in the future, which would be really nice.

Mariana's painting skill is still being honed, and I also want to get back to her wellness skill. I think I've given up slightly on getting her and Issac married properly, so I'm planning to have them elope. However, money is in the bank to make sure that Rudolph is married in the proper way.

Also, the giant bunny that keeps appearing in paintings is just creepy.

But while money may be in the bank, we all know what happens when money is in the bank. It's like I just look at this house and think 'Now, how to burn my Simoleons?'

Well, we did need a dining room! So, as planned, I extended and moved back the kitchen.

Which left room to create this pretty little room! Lighting isn't much, but that can be dealt with later. The brocade is actually a pretty simple one, rather than one from the Vintage Stuff pack. It's actually very nice, and to be honest I didn't want something that matched the portrait room, as I want that to be the most elegant of all the rooms, and not match any other room wallpaper-wise.

For the dining table and chairs, I went with just four chairs and a small table, for now. It looks quite nice, if plain, and soon enough I'll make sure that it's got a bit more decoration. At the moment, however, it'll do, and it's very nice, really! I should probably sell on the placeholder table and chair, actually - I've just realised while typing that I didn't.

All in all, it's very nice!

Nice enough that our current heir is deigning to eat within its walls, anyway. 

I also moved, extended, and tiled the bathroom that was previously next to the study and the dining room, as I thought the dining room was a little small, and could use some breathing space. This gave me room to add a bath, which gives us a few more options, like mud baths and so on! It looks pretty nice, huh?

I'll probably be adding an en suite bathroom to this room...The master bedroom! This will probably be my more immediate project, the door to which will stay locked until Rudolph brings home his spouse. Doesn't look too big at the moment, but I'll make it larger and also quite fancy, if I can. Rudolph will keep on painting, and Vino is definitely getting a job as soon as he hits Young Adult. 

It's odd to think that this is really becoming a Legacy house - and more to the point, that Rudolph will be passing on the Legacy along with this house, someday. And this will be the Master Bedroom - The Master Bedroom? For ages, the main bedroom doubled as a kitchen and living room! Talk about progress.

And as time is moving on, I finally did it. I finally changed Mariana's pyjamas from the kitty cat nightgown. Why? Because pretty soon, she and Issac will both become old. So here's something more suited to her age, and very elegant to boot.

And yes, that is from the Vintage Stuff pack. I can't get enough of the Vintage Stuff. It's awesome.

While I was at it, I also changed her party dress into something classy and simple, as she still had Sailor Uranus' dress for parties.

I know that Rudolph is the heir, but I need to make sure that she's comfortable! She is our founder, after all, and Rudolph is currently a Teen.

I have got to work on his Aspiration, however, and he's completed the first milestone! Now to evolve five different plants and get him to Level 4 of the Gardening skill....

To be honest, he's getting very good at painting. I mean, he's making a lot of money that I'm attempting to stockpile rather than spend, and he'd probably do very good portraits now. The next portrait he does, however, will be that of his spouse. Still, he still is very good at what he does, and I'm proud of the boy.

 And finally, a nice picture of Mariana in her new nightclothes! She really looks so elegant...I hope that we get a descendant who looks the spitting image of her someday.

That's all for today! See you another time!

Thursday 9 February 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Three! (Mariana-Centric)

Hey, lovelies!

Sorry that this is a little late. My internet failed, and unfortunately it did so before it could save the episode I had all written out. I reacted badly, and couldn't touch this for a couple of days. However, I'm back now, and happy to be bringing you the Waveborn Legacy!

So, last episode I got the Vanity table, and in today's episode, I decided to test out the whole 'trying on make up before you go out' thing with it. I mean, clearly something THIS aesthetic had to be full of awesome makeup! Plus, it's from the Vintage Pack!~

To be honest, this was just to test out the Vanity Table, and I pretty much decided to stick with our marine theme by going with Blues and Silvers. I was curious to see how it turned out!

And the results?
The results were that Mariana's eyeliner disappeared, and the silvery tones made her look tired. I'll keep trying, however, because I want the Vanity Table in my house, and also to find a good look for Mariana when she hits old age and won't wear eyeliner.

In other (better) news, Rudolph not only painted this adorable picture after coming home from school flirty thanks to a random event, but painted a couple of Masterpieces, which is both rare and convenient, as I immediately sold them and hit 6,000 Simoleons! I wish we had been able to keep this picture, though.

However, with the money, I was able to fix a few things here and there! For starters, the outside walls have been bugging me for a while, so I went with a light grey brick for the entire house, and I really, really like it! It kind of gives off a 'friendly neighbourhood' vibe.

I also went ahead and bought a violin for Issac - naturally, a blue one - so that I can start working on his Musical Genius Aspiration. It'd be nice to get it completed before he dies, but I don't hold any high hopes - but working at it is better than giving up!

Here he is, practising for the first time. It sounded pretty awful, I'm not going to lie to you, but I'm sure that with practice, like we all do, he will improve and sound better.

Our final renovation was my planned and much awaited portrait room. I just absolutely love how this turned out! I felt a chandelier was appropriate, and the minute I saw these beautiful double doors, I had to have them. I moved Vino's room to give the portrait room space, and now, it's proudly sitting at the back of the house...

...with two portraits already in pride of place immediately opposite the double doors. Mariana and Issac are now able to look upon their descendants for all of time, preserved in Rudolph's portraits, and hopefully they will soon be surrounded by the portraits of those who will come after them.

And the wallpaper is also stunning. Is there anything in the Vintage Pack I don't like? Doesn't seem like it!

Mariana is still working at her painting skill, but she can't quite paint from reference yet (more's the pity, but I'm sure she will by the time Rudolph is a Young Adult).

And now, a Disney Princess pose by the sink. Is she happy? I'd certainly like to think so. After all, she has been succeeded by her son, gone from a grey little box to a happy and spacious home, and hopefully will, at one point, have four grandchildren in order to complete her aspiration. Her world has become a loving one, and the family wealth is starting to stock up. While she one day will pass away, she will leave behind a Legacy that owes her a great deal and that also will fondly remember her.

Maybe they'll even name a child after her?

See you next episode!

- lilypadmeulin

Thursday 2 February 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Two (A Farm In Kansas)

Hello, and welcome back to Series 2 of the Waveborn Legacy!

So like I said I would, I've been getting Mariana painting in her spare time, as well as practicing yoga in the now prettified Yoga Room. Her Painting Skill is gradually improving, but it's a slow process, and Rudolph's paintings definitely bring in more money.

Speaking of Rudolph and his pictures, here's his childhood drawing in the Dower Room!

However, time has moved on, and it was time to throw Tada a birthday party! In retrospect, this was the start of a huge mess that really needs not to happen again. I invited Johanna to get the ball rolling, and I kind of feel that I need to fix it, as I will show below.

So our first warning sign was that as soon as she got there, Johanna changed into her athletic outfit and stole our yoga mat.

Vino set about making the cake, and actually had to make it twice because he immediately took a piece of the first one as soon as he took it out of the oven. This is what we will call Sign Number Two.

But still, blind to these omens, I pressed on ahead, sure that everything would go swimmingly, and soon enough, Tada was an adult! Yay!

Soon enough, everyone was headed off to work and school, and it was time to send Tada off to our traditional romantic haunt, the library. We then spotted this lovely young lady...

While initially we were flirting happily, the end result was this - an awkward encounter where we were steadily losing green and pink in the social bars. Time for us to move on - and swiftly, before Kelsey here throws a book at us!

So it was back to Plan J - Johanna. Everything again initially went well, with even hand holding going on, but ultimately, it crashed and burned, with Embarrassment on both sides. Eventually, as I'd been trying for ages to fix things so that Tada would be romantically attached and out of the house, and it was late AND I was going a bit nuts, I just spammed Friendly interactions until we could Ask to Move In.

And that was that, Tada was gone.

But it didn't feel right.

So in conclusion, after an entire bus journey of my mother guilt-tripping me about sending Tada to 'live on a farm in Kansas', because of the whole thing of the Falks (Johanna's family) not living in world, I've resolved to make sure this train wreck won't happen with Vino. Instead, I'll be moving in any potential spouse in with us after romantic success only.

I'm still kind of worn out by both the cold and this huge...mess.

Mariana, however, is having a happy time! She has a lovely outfit for work, and went off with a smile on her face instead of being tired.

And thanks to the Vintage Stuff Pack, we can now watch black and white television, so she and Rudolph were settling down and watching that, which was pretty sweet.

However, with Tada gone, I sold the bed and repurposed his bedroom into a study, and placed the old bookcase into our inventory to be used for a future child's bedroom. Our new bookcase is much neater looking, and our new wallpaper - instead of the Vocaloid wallpaper - is a little more elegant. It feels more as though he is gone, though...

And our final photo for today...
With the bookcase gone, I wanted something in the main bedroom. As Issac will need a lot of money for what he wants (a musical instrument), I got...
A vanity table for Mariana!
It looks more purple here, but believe me, that's a nice blue there, with a matching chair for her to sit at. I'm so happy that we have this!

And with that classy touch, that's the end of today's episode!
Lilypad, out!

- lilypadmeulin