Sunday 19 February 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Four! (WHEN WILL MY REFLECTION...)

Welcome back!

So today, the 19th, is my birthday, and a member of my family bought me the Romantic Garden Stuff pack! Inspired by that, though kind of unable to do anything like use the statues to create a proper garden, I've upgraded the garden, as it were, to raised beds!

The two plants in pots are hybrid plants, and I have since moved them to allow more room for watering. I'm really pleased, though, as the next step is a proper garden, with railings! I'm undecided as to whether or not I should keep it at the side of the house  or not, because it might be better to move it to the back.

Either way, I'm very happy with it, as it's more of a solid looking garden, and if I do move it to the back, I can create an area with statues and maybe even a fountain or two in the future, which would be really nice.

Mariana's painting skill is still being honed, and I also want to get back to her wellness skill. I think I've given up slightly on getting her and Issac married properly, so I'm planning to have them elope. However, money is in the bank to make sure that Rudolph is married in the proper way.

Also, the giant bunny that keeps appearing in paintings is just creepy.

But while money may be in the bank, we all know what happens when money is in the bank. It's like I just look at this house and think 'Now, how to burn my Simoleons?'

Well, we did need a dining room! So, as planned, I extended and moved back the kitchen.

Which left room to create this pretty little room! Lighting isn't much, but that can be dealt with later. The brocade is actually a pretty simple one, rather than one from the Vintage Stuff pack. It's actually very nice, and to be honest I didn't want something that matched the portrait room, as I want that to be the most elegant of all the rooms, and not match any other room wallpaper-wise.

For the dining table and chairs, I went with just four chairs and a small table, for now. It looks quite nice, if plain, and soon enough I'll make sure that it's got a bit more decoration. At the moment, however, it'll do, and it's very nice, really! I should probably sell on the placeholder table and chair, actually - I've just realised while typing that I didn't.

All in all, it's very nice!

Nice enough that our current heir is deigning to eat within its walls, anyway. 

I also moved, extended, and tiled the bathroom that was previously next to the study and the dining room, as I thought the dining room was a little small, and could use some breathing space. This gave me room to add a bath, which gives us a few more options, like mud baths and so on! It looks pretty nice, huh?

I'll probably be adding an en suite bathroom to this room...The master bedroom! This will probably be my more immediate project, the door to which will stay locked until Rudolph brings home his spouse. Doesn't look too big at the moment, but I'll make it larger and also quite fancy, if I can. Rudolph will keep on painting, and Vino is definitely getting a job as soon as he hits Young Adult. 

It's odd to think that this is really becoming a Legacy house - and more to the point, that Rudolph will be passing on the Legacy along with this house, someday. And this will be the Master Bedroom - The Master Bedroom? For ages, the main bedroom doubled as a kitchen and living room! Talk about progress.

And as time is moving on, I finally did it. I finally changed Mariana's pyjamas from the kitty cat nightgown. Why? Because pretty soon, she and Issac will both become old. So here's something more suited to her age, and very elegant to boot.

And yes, that is from the Vintage Stuff pack. I can't get enough of the Vintage Stuff. It's awesome.

While I was at it, I also changed her party dress into something classy and simple, as she still had Sailor Uranus' dress for parties.

I know that Rudolph is the heir, but I need to make sure that she's comfortable! She is our founder, after all, and Rudolph is currently a Teen.

I have got to work on his Aspiration, however, and he's completed the first milestone! Now to evolve five different plants and get him to Level 4 of the Gardening skill....

To be honest, he's getting very good at painting. I mean, he's making a lot of money that I'm attempting to stockpile rather than spend, and he'd probably do very good portraits now. The next portrait he does, however, will be that of his spouse. Still, he still is very good at what he does, and I'm proud of the boy.

 And finally, a nice picture of Mariana in her new nightclothes! She really looks so elegant...I hope that we get a descendant who looks the spitting image of her someday.

That's all for today! See you another time!

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