Friday 10 March 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Six! (I'LL MAKE A MAN OUT OF YOU)

Hello, my lovelies!
I have not updated in FOREVER! I've been quite busy with other commitments, but hey, I alone can update this, right? So I've been playing today, and boy, do we have quite the little update!
First off, Tada has been asking to come visit quite a bit, and I finally let him over (he was asking at weird times before), so the brothers got to spend some time together!

However, he once more went to the computer in his old room, while Vino went to relieve some tension by doing Yoga. Tada, I'm sorry! Don't hate the Watcher!

In other news, my thirst for renovations crept up on me again, and I decided to make a cute little neutral toddler room for when Rudolph and his future spouse have children. I found a really cute wallpaper (CC) and based the room around that!

I really love the toddler update, especially the little fluffy cloud lights. They're adorable.

It's right next to the children's room, too! It would have been elsewhere, but corridors can be pernickety, and this was the best way to sort that. Also, it's close to the Master Bedroom in case the toddlers have nightmares!

I also completed my goal of having an enclosed and pretty garden where the gravestones can go! I couldn't resist getting a Weeping Cherry Tree (because what better tree to place gravestones under) but I was kind of surprised by the size of it!

Also the Ivy League fence and gate is officially my favourite. Such detail <3

But Lilypad! All of this, you say, is your normal stuff, and doesn't relate to the title! What makes this such a big update?

Well, mon chers, guess what this little object is?

That's right, Rudolph's birthday rolled around! And the birthday magic to turn him into a proper legacy-continuing Young Adult is just visible!

Make a wish!

And here he is! The current heir of the Waveborn Legacy, ready to get a job and carry it on, Rudolph Waveborn!

Guys, I'm so proud of him. We've seen him grow from a fussy little kid to the HEIR of the ENTIRE LEGACY. His paintings have brought in enough money to turn it from a boxy little bare essentials house into a reasonable little place, and I'm sure that he will continue to make our family tree grow strong!

As we will no doubt be hearing the pitter patter of little feet soon enough, please leave any name suggestions below!

See you next time, my dears!

- lilypadmeulin

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