Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Twenty-One! (E.V.O.L.)

How do you guarantee a successful legacy? By making sure that from teenagerdom, you know who is single in town!
Oh dear god. Yes, I couldn't get him to meet anyone at school, so I had to send Tada out as the eldest to find potential lady loves.

So this is....
I forget her name, actually, but this is pretty much the only other teenager that I could find. Let's call her Swish until I can actually remember her name.
She came stomping over, and she and Tada had a friendly chat.

And during that chat, we found out that Swish is Evil. Knowing pre-generated Sims, she probably Hates Children too (bummer!) but we'll have to wait and see.
I did send Tada to the gym as well, where he got hit on by a Young Adult and Eliza Pancakes suddenly appeared.

So, we vamoosed (avoiding Eliza Pancakes, the first rule of Sims Club).

In other news.....

Algay grew up! He's such a cute little thing!
He's already tried to eat Rudolph by luring him with cake, but luckily I noticed and fed him pretty quickly. He's really sweet when people play with him, too.

Vino and Rudolph, on the other hand, have been waking up EVERYBODY in the house whenever they see the Monster Under The Bed. Even when someone Sprays it for them, they go around waking everyone up! The day we get a separate bedroom for Issac and Mariana with a locking door will be a much happier day for everyone's energy level.

Also, it's not going to be long until Rudolph ages up.... So that will probably be the next episode!
I wonder who will be heir?
See you next episode!

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