Sunday 8 January 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Twenty (The Awful No Good Bad Luck Day)

Look alive, sunshine!
So guess who has the slight flu (me). This is sadly a few days late as a result of my feeling ill...

So first off we have the brothers Waveborn chilling and getting homework done in Tada's bedroom. I mean, where else could they possibly go unless it was here, invading the teen brother's privacy?
(Illuminati moment - the quest to fight for the position of heir has begun, for them...)

A new friend of Vino's, Liam, came over to join the chilling out (hence why Rudolph has left the room, because Loner Sims aren't a big fan of over-socialisation.)

But Vino and his new buddy seem to get along pretty well, even though Vino is clearly in his pajamas! It was actually a while before Liam left. Good sign? Bad sign? Who knows, but it's nice to see our Social Butterfly starting to fulfil his Aspiration.

After Liam left, Mariana decided to test out her Cooking Skill again with some Grilled Cheese...

This! This is the second time that she's done this! How the HECK am I supposed to keep her alive if she keeps trying to set everything on fire?
I really hope this is not a genetic trait. It cost a big chunk of our funds to replace the oven, and everyone is now stressed because oh, yeah, MARIANA TRIED TO BURN US ALL TO THE GROUND.

In healthier news, Rudolph has progressed to Level 3 of the Creativity Skill, meaning he can draw people now at the Activity Table. Algay the Cowplant! He's a baby at the moment, so not exactly responsive to anything, but once he grows big, we'll be able to kill Eliza Pan---
I mean, socialise with him! Yes!

Rudolph's artwork. Aww.

Watering time for Algay! Don't worry, little buddy. Muscleman Babydad, pro gardener, will take care of you for the rest of your happy Cowplant days.

More fantastic artwork from Rudolph. One person, alone, outside a house. Yeah, I'd dream of that too if my parent tried to set fire to the kitchen.

And then the sink broke again to finish the whole day off. Wow. I was never more upset and stressed, truly. Luckily, Tada could repair it, but it was still pretty annoying.

I really hope that this is the worst bit of bad luck I am ever going to have with this family. I really do.
See you next episode! Hopefully, I can start finding potential spouses for the heir?
- lilypadmeulin

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