Sunday 22 January 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Twenty-Three! (Future Planning!)

And we resume normal service!
Hey guys! Welcome back to the Waveborn Legacy!
For meddling with Tada's love life by voting on his sweetheart, please click here ! Otherwise, if you're not fussed, carry on reading!

So, as Rudolph recently aged up, he was off school for the day, leaving him alone in the house. As he has the Creative trait, which doesn't exactly contribute to his Aspiration of being a Freelance Botanist (I was so happy over his Aspiration roll, you have no idea), I decided to buy him an easel he can paint with.
To explain why I did this: it's kind of tradition to have a portrait of your Founder and Heirs in a Legacy Challenge. Creatives make really good in-home portrait painters, so the sooner Rudolph levels up in Painting to the point where he can Paint From Reference, the sooner I can have portraits!

So here we have his very first attempt!

I'm not sure WHY it's a giant bunny.
You can also see in the background that I've moved the computer to Tada's room. The easel actually needs a bit of space...
He can now do Landscape paintings, and I actually like this one. It also earned us a bit of handy money.
Yes, unfortunately, we are pretty low on money, strictly speaking, so for the time being, I'm selling all non-portrait paintings.

Also, here's a clear view of the Teenager Bedrooms! Ah, yes. The Miku Room. In all its glory.

To save money, I've shortened the Totoro room, and moved the paintings around so they all still fit on the walls, and sold Vino's bed. He's now claimed Rudolph's old bed, which I think due to it being a) awesome and b) marine-themed will probably be passed down through the generations.

And yes, everyone but Rudolph is asleep. They were exhausted from the minute they got in, poor dears.

A better look at the painting on the walls. I think I will probably end up keeping one of the nicer rainbow ones in Mariana and Issac's future room, which with the money we get at the moment is becoming more and more of a possibility. However, they can't have the painting in it until Vino is aged up into a teenager!

That's all for today!
See you next time!
- lilypadmeulin

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