Monday 24 April 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Seventeen! (Uncle Who?)

So, you return...
Only joking! Welcome back to another episode of the Waveborn Legacy!

Vino's been promoted at work, which has filled our coffers slightly! I've actually got screenshots for DAYS, meaning that this will most likely be a multi-update day, and currently not only do we have around 9,000 in the bank even after renovations, but Mariana is still alive! Thanks to a certain somebody saying she'll live to 150, I'm sure.

So, we left Eloise and Caleb being awkward in Charlotte's room last time, but I pretty much picked up where I'd left off, and Charlotte then wandered into her room.

Eloise left as quick as possible, and Caleb and Charlotte began talking. My secret, secret plans need updating now...

Later on, I realised the girls have never, ever done homework, so I decided better late than never, and Eloise started on her homework.


However, she wasn't alone - Charlotte joined her in Violet's room to work hard as well. They seemed to encourage each other, as the homework was done pretty quickly!

Caleb didn't do it, I know that much, but who the heck keeps smashing the dollshouse?! This is really starting to become weird! It can't be Issac...right?

Whoever it is, Vino is starting to get sick of playing Fix-It Felix on this thing. Poor guy.

Seeing as we had a bit more money, I got a little laundry basket for the bathroom nearest to Violet's room. The towel racks didn't look quite so good, but this definitely fitted in! I think it just gives it that extra little something.

And I managed to at least fix the Tada situation slightly! He asked whether he could come and hang out, and I let him, despite how late at night it was.

And I found out that Violet and he have NEVER TALKED. I was shocked! I had to solve this right away, of course, and they started chatting outside of the house. Meet your Uncle Tada, kid! He's great. What do you mean, Dad never mentioned him?

After a little while, Tada had to head off, but Violet hugged him right before he left. I think they get on pretty well!

It's not just Tada and Violet who are getting on, either. Mackenzie's been paying more attention to her kids lately, which is awesome, and the girls now actively seek out her rather than Vino! So while Violet was talking to her uncle, Eloise was talking to her mom.

Meanwhile, Mariana and Vino were in the garden, with Mariana presumably giving her son tips on how to do that bug spraying thing correctly, judging by his expression.

He left pretty quickly and went to go take a nap instead, leaving his mother alone in the garden.

At first, she seemed happy enough sitting alone in the garden, enjoying some rare alone time away from her family...

But then she went over to Issac's grave, and left a Sugar Skull offering, and then mourned him. She really, truly misses him. I guess his sporadic ghost appearances aren't enough for her.

She really got upset, crying big tears right by his grave. I hope that when she does eventually die, she can be happy in the afterlife with him.

However, Mackenzie wouldn't let her mother in law be alone with her thoughts for too long, and came to help her with the garden.

She seemed to cheer her up quite well, too, as Mariana was soon smiling, rather than crying under the shade of the tree.

 I think they've actually become good friends, probably because when the girls go off to school, and Vino and Rudolph head off to work, they're alone in the house together, given that Mackenzie works the evening shift. They certainly seemed to get chatting away over the Snapdragons!

So our family bonds are growing as sure as the plants in the garden are! I've also found an apple tree near the water, so I might just plant a little apple tree in the garden...

But for now, that wraps up this episode! The next one will be coming soon though, never fear - and let's just say it's got green thumbs!

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