Sunday 30 April 2017

Issana (The Shared Life of Mariana and Issac Waveborn)

Mariana started life in Newcrest as a young woman looking to found the legacy that had been passed onto her, and looking to find love.

Issac came into her life looking to become her soulmate.

Their house wasn't much, in the beginning - a small box on a large lot, with only the essentials. But it was theirs.

And they were happy.

Soon, Mariana became pregnant with their first child.

Issac proposed to her during the pregnancy, and she accepted. Although they never got married, they always wished to.

Their first son, Tada, couldn't have asked for more doting parents.

And while they could afford a bigger house, they wanted more for their legacy, which meant working hard towards the future they wanted for Tada.

It wasn't easy. Things broke often, needed fixing, or stopped working, and sometimes needed replacing completely, even when there wasn't the money for it.

And then their second child came along.

Born around Christmas, Rudolph was loved just as much as Tada was.

It wasn't long before their third child came along. By this time, the house had grown to a modest size.

Vino, their final child, was as adored as his brothers were.

Of course, not everything went according to plan all of the time. The ovens had to be cheap, and more often than not, would end up in flames.

But their little family withstood all of these storms, always returning to happy times.

And throughout these times, Mariana and Issac always had time for each other.

As the years went by, their style changed. They weren't that young anymore, and they began to dress their age. Their passionate love had matured into a sweet love that could withstand anything - they had grown old together.

Issac's hair turned grey first, and his health began to fail as the years began to catch up with him. By this time, Tada had moved out, and Rudolph had inherited the legacy, but Issac still worked hard at his job.

It wasn't long before Rudolph brought a woman home - Mackenzie. At first, Mariana and Issac weren't sure if she really was the one for their son.

But eventually, it was like she'd always been part of their family, and they were delighted by how happy she made their beloved son.

It wasn't long before their first grandchild, Violet, came along, either. They both adored her.

Soon, Mariana's hair turned as grey as her soulmate's, and she began to become more tired, to move more slowly. The years had taken a toll on both of them - but they still looked after Violet with the ease of those who had raised three children already.

Not long after, Mackenzie gave birth to twin girls, Charlotte and Eloise. Issac and Mariana adored all of their granddaughters, and doted on them. Their happiness knew no bounds, now.

Unfortunately, Issac passed away soon after the twins became toddlers, in the early hours of the morning.

However, when his granddaughter was morning at his grave, he returned as a ghost. Even death couldn't stop him.

And it certainly couldn't stop him from seeing the love of his life!

Throughout the years, Mariana remained good friends with her sons...

And lived long enough to see Rudolph and Mackenzie married in a beautiful ceremony at Magnolia Park.

And even though he couldn't be there, Issac was happy for his son.

But even though they saw each other, it wasn't the same. Mariana missed Issac, and he missed her.

Mackenzie would try and cheer her up, and sometimes it would work, but not always.

Her granddaughters were now young girls, and Mariana loved them, spending time with them. She was close to them, and she had the big family she'd always wanted.

And Vino's partner, Arianna, ended up having triplets, meaning that Issac and Mariana had six grandchildren to pass their legacy onto.

But after Rudolph's daughters had become teenagers, Mariana's condition worsened, and she collapsed in the bathroom. Her family rushed to her side, but there was nothing they could do. She passed away surrounded by her family.

She and Issac were reunited, buried side by side in their beloved garden - their spirits together once more.

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