Thursday 27 April 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Two, Episode Twenty-Two! (That Feeling When Your Grandfather's 3Spoopy5You)

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Waveborn Legacy Challenge!

So, like I mentioned yesterday, it was nearly time for the twins to become teens! However, their grades had slipped down a bit, so Eloise was busy with another emergency piece of homework.

Violet got started on her high school homework, too, sat on her little sister's bed. Maybe she misses being a kid in the Totoro Room? I guess when we reach teenagerhood, we all miss our childhood!

Speaking of missing, guess who I found in the park that day?
Tada! He's a full adult now, and oh, my gosh, the lady sat beside him is so nice! I watched them interact and he was smiling and having a great time. I've regretted moving him out like I did, so to see him so happy soothed my heart! ❤

The girls returning home from school!

Unfortunately, Violet got hungry, and it looks as though she might have inherited her grandmother's cooking skills. I can only pray that this entire lot doesn't go up in flames! (We have already had a few close calls over the years!)

At midnight, Charlotte slipped out of bed and fetched some cereal for one last midnight feast before she becomes a teenager. I'm going to miss having children running around the house, that's for sure!

Meanwhile, Violet discovered her grandpa hanging out in her parents' bedroom. They had a long chat about different things (clothes, being old, and old times).

And of course it was the right time to take a photo! What else do you do when you see your dead grandfather again?

And then Issac started mucking around and making the furniture float, unfortunately leaving his granddaughter very unimpressed. Honestly, Granddad. That's so not cool.

A few hours later, it was nearing the time for the twins' birthday party, and Issac was floating about when he came to his old room...and his soulmate!

Issana lives, y'all. Issana lives.
It's really cute how he becomes flirty around her, and just glows pink! I love it, it's adorable!

With the party kicking off, Uncle Vino came again (though not Tada, who was invited, or any of the little cousins) to help celebrate!

The task of making the Strawberry Cake for the twins fell to Rudolph, who...tried his best. I mean, you can't see the burnt bits too much, right?

At least the birthday candles look fine!

The birthday girls! Both of them look quite excited for the big day! I guess this is the last time we'll see them as children, though...

As the older twin, Charlotte went first, and blew out the candles on the Strawberry Cake...

And...welcome to the world of a teenager, Miss Waveborn!
I actually quite like Charlotte's initial look! It suits her, somehow.
Her Aspiration is Freelance Botanist (just like her daddy!) and she's Self-Assured and Jealous. She'll have time to work on that Aspiration, given that we have to wait until the cousins are teenagers to have an heir poll. Remember, if you can trace your lineage back to the founder, you're in!

But that's a long way away, and she's got time to smile and while away the time!

A quick selfie before the makeover. She woke up like this, you know!

Next was Eloise, the younger of the two!

I DEFINITELY did not like her initial look. But a randomiser will do that to a girl! Her Aspiration is Fabulously Wealthy, and she's Creative and an Art Lover. Should make it easy for her to be the artist of the three!

And now, makeover time!
I ended up keeping Charlotte's hair how it was. It really did suit her!

She still likes pink, as you can see! This is a much more casual look, and the top is an adorable bit of custom content I found on TSR.

Next up...Eloise!
Yes, this is definitely Eloise! I've not given her any makeup except for the Rose Lalonde style eyeliner, as I really think she's more of a low-makeup kind of girl.

And these little dungaree shorts suit her down to the ground! She looks super cute!

As there are no more children, it's sadly time to lock up the Totoro Room once more. I'm actually quite sad about that! I've yet to pick a painting for the Dower Room from the ones the girls did, but I suppose it can wait until Rudolph and Mackenzie move in there!

We'll see you again in the future, Totoro Room!

It was time to get the house spruced up! First, Charlotte's room needed a makeover!

Here's the new walls, door, and light (I replaced the door, because it was a child's pink bunny door).

And here's the furniture! Very glamourous, am I right? I have to admit, I especially like the elegant mirror. I can very much imagine Charlotte admiring herself in that every day!

Next, it was high time to create a room for Eloise! I stuck with the nature theme of her previous rooms, and used this custom content wallpaper, patterned with little trees.

And the furniture! A beautiful flower lantern from the Outdoors Retreat pack, a custom content wooden desk, and a computer (for her homework, and not for socialising, honest!) and a beautiful leaf patterned bed!

That's taken the funds back down to 6,000 Simoleons...But for such beautifully personalised rooms, it was surely worth it!
I can only hope that having three teenagers in the house isn't as stressful as having three toddlers! Although I'm sure that Vino and Arianna can tell you all about that!

Until next time!

- lilypadmeulin

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