Saturday 20 May 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Three, Episode Nine! (Circle of Life!)

Well, dear readers, we have been busy once more! It's another short update, of course - and Violet has still not given birth to her little baby, so feel free to keep those names 'a coming!

She has been painting, however, as she needs to be able to paint portraits - and it seems to be going fine!

Speaking of portraits, I caught Mariana haunting the Portrait Room! Maybe she's looking at her family and feeling pride in how things have turned out! I'm certainly proud of how things are going so far!

Caleb is doing very well with his collecting aspiration! Turns out that crystals are too big to sit on shelves, so I've decided to get a table for them, instead! The little crystal is on the bottom bit of the table, as I decided to keep it with the others. Hopefully we get more crystals soon!

It's not just the crystals, either - I decided to use all the shelves for My Sims figurines, and we got two new ones recently! Dr F, and Lyndsay! I'm hoping to complete the collection before this generation hands over to the next, or at least before Caleb kicks the bucket.

We've even got more froggies! He'll complete the Curator Aspiration, if I have anything to do with it!

And thanks to a whim of his, we now have a dishwasher! Maybe I'll even re-decorate the kitchen at some point. Unfortunately, thanks to bills and a few little expansions of rooms, we don't really have the money without going below what I want to keep in bank for emergencies (read: multiple children instead of one).

One such expansion was the kitchen itself, which is now less poky - I mean, we can afford it now! The next such thing will hopefully be the dining room, which is still tiny.

Asriel has been doing alright, although the adults are tired from looking after him, but somehow he's managed to swipe his aunt's Slablet! He has a perfectly good tablet of his own - you can even see it here - but nope, he swiped it! And no one's noticed! Honestly, little man, you can't nick things like that!

I had been so busy, however, with renovations and collections and keeping the toddler happy, that I didn't notice that old age was approaching for Mackenzie and Rudolph! Here's Nanna Kenzie!

I think she still looks absolutely gorgeous, even so!

However, old age didn't prevent her from being up to her usual Dollshouse Destroyer antics! I made her fix it, but both Asriel and Caleb were very sad over it.

Just before bed, Rudolph aged up as well! I guess he and his wife really are very close!  They've both entered the Silver Age together!

One quick wardrobe makeover later, and I present to you Poppa Rudy! Asriel has some of the nicest grandparents around! I kept the slightly Nordic theme to his outfit, and I think he looks very cozy!

Hopefully we won't have to wait too long before the baby comes along! I'm so excited, you guys! I have a little shortlist of suggested names and everything!

Until next time!

- lilypadmeulin

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