Friday 26 May 2017

The Waveborn Legacy - Series Three, Episode Ten! (Fantastic Mr Fox!)

Welcome back, readers, to the trials of having a toddler in the house! Oh, my. We are certainly on the receiving end of the Fussy trait and no mistake.

Asriel still seems to be hungry all the time, and Violet was able to give him some food while it was still on orange..

But when he got bored of it, he just chucked it across the room!

"No son, you can't do that. I mean, I won't be cleaning it up, but you still can't do that."

And guess who was Mr Cleany Clean thanks to his son throwing food?
You guessed it! Caleb not only had to take out the trash...

But also clean up that messy high chair! Ew. Not a job I'd want, thank you!

And on top of all of that, he had to repair the broken castle! Do people just sneak in here and smash it whenever they're stressed? Is that the source of all this unprecedented dollshouse smashing?

Also, I've changed Rudolph's pajamas to this awesome flannel combo. Very, very snazzy, wouldn't you agree?

Also, Mackenzie IS the culprit of the dollshouse smashing.
Look at this dollshouse. It's destroyed. Kenzie, please, you did this when Violet was a toddler. It is time to stop.

Thankfully, Asriel was sleeping too soundly to be upset by his grandmother destroying the dollshouse. So cute!

Violet's been working on her painting again, as has Mackenzie, Destroyer of Children's Toys, and although it doesn't quite get the income that Rudolph's paintings do, every little bit helps!

However, just because Mackenzie destroys toys, it doesn't mean she's not a great nanna. She can persuade Asriel away from the tablet...

...and take him off for yet another snack, even if he pouts all the while.

After all the excitement of the toddler apps, and the food, Asriel was tired, so his father read him a story to settle him down to sleep.

Violet came and tucked him in, once he'd fallen asleep, making sure he was snug and cosy. These two are honestly such loving parents!

Now, a little shoutout to our friends who created the Stellar Stuff pack, over at the Plumbob Tea Society - you can actually read the text on the chart in the Master Bedroom! I accidentally found this out, and I'm so impressed, I just had to show you. I mean, how cool is that? Kudos!

Mariana has been angrily floating around recently. I've no idea what is making her so cranky these days. Maybe not being around Issac all that much is taking its toll? If you have any idea what's causing this, please let me know.

Luckily, she and Mackenzie still get along as well as they did before, so Kenzie was able to calm her down somewhat.

But, it's time for the big news...
Violet went into labour shortly after that! I'd had a crib ready for a little while, so luckily she could just go into the nursery to give birth.

And...welcome to the world, Toby Waveborn! He is, of course, named after Toby Fox! The name suggestion was made by wasabipea, a Goatlings user, to go with Asriel's name!

Charlotte came up to see both of her nephews quickly after. Toby's so tiny in comparison to his brother, but he'll catch up pretty soon. Gulp! We're going to have two toddlers running around! I think I'll wait until Asriel's a child to try for a baby again.

Anyway, given that Undertale's heart logo is red, I went with that as a theme for both Toby's toddler bed...

And also for his high chair! Right next to Asriel's, as you can see!

There were, sadly, no red bear chairs, but there is a monster bear, so I went with that! Awww.

And here is the overall revamped nursery! See if you can spot the other items that have been added in just for Toby!

Now, seeing as we've just had a new addition to the family, it seems like a good time for me to talk about the newest addition to Sims - that's right, the Parenthood Pack! I am so excited for this, and you bet your buttons I'm going to try and get it! It might have to be a Christmas present or something of the sort, but I really, really want it! It looks so cool!

I've also downloaded another Plumbob Tea Society stuff pack, recently, but I'll probably be able to show that much later on in the series!

Until next time!

- lilypadmeulin

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