Wednesday 21 December 2016

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Eleven! (Oh Snap (dragon)!)

Good afternoon! Welcome back to the Waveborn Legacy!
So Issac found something very, very good...
A Snapdragon!
Like I said I would, I've moved the garden away from the house to give a bit more leeway in regards to expansion. Here we have Mariana planting the basil that Issac found as well!

Watering in!
In case you didn't know, if you get to Level 7 of the Gardening Skill, you can graft plants together. Grafting together Snapdragons and Strawberries gives you the Dragonfruit, which when grafted with Snapdragon produces the Cowplant berry (mwahahaha!) Hence why I'm so happy to get it!

Tada and Issac both taking a nice little nap! This was so cute, I couldn't resist.

After Tada woke up, he went out into the neighbourhood, and made a new friend - Gilberto Swain, who Mariana has previously made friends with. Tada is doing really well with the whole social side of things!
Er, aside from the fact that he still appears to be in his pajamas. No judgement, though. We all have days like that.

Here we see the new plants sprouting! Yay! And now Mariana can also 'Spray for Bugs', which is good for keeping our garden nice and healthy!

And in other news, Issac KEEPS STEALING THE YOGA MAT.

Buddy, if you reach enlightenment, I hope you realise that the yoga mat never belonged to you.

Also, we got a mirror! Yay us! Now Tada can be social in the mirror to level up his social skill.

He's been reading 'A Game of Groans' a lot recently. Is he preparing to fight his sibling? Who knows?

Recently, Mariana has gotten a lot of 'Chat to Someone' whims, so I've been building her friendship with Bella Goth, because frankly, I like Bella. Also, Mariana is still rockin' those bunny slippers and that cat nightdress.

And yes, the sink broke again. True to my threat, I made Issac repair it this time, because it was beginning to get way too expensive for our tiny household budget (though the plants are bringing in more and more money). He got to mop the floor afterwards. I think he was happy. I think.

Baby bump photo! I really love how cute and yet practical this outfit is compared to her last outfit (which was cute and sweet, but not really mum attire). The bow in her hair is staying there even when she eventually grows old, by the way.
Also, we probably need a new TV.

The garden again! The Basil and Snapdragon have taken off pretty quickly, which is really good, and I'm really happy with how it looks!
Also, it's now organised, which pleases me.

Bella Goth popping over for a late night chat. I really think she's a cute character! I mean, look at them! Mum-chattin' away like that. Aw!

And of course not five minutes after her buddy leaves, Mariana goes into labor. Tada and Issac I think were both asleep at this point, and Mariana looks SO UNCOMFORTABLE in this screenshot.
:( !

Meet Rudolph Waveborn! In the end, I decided to go with a festive name - 'tis the season!

Awww, Mariana looks so happy now. A baby brother for Tada! I think I am actually going to have one more heir, and then that will be it for the next generation, and Mariana can concentrate on living a happy and full life!
 I wonder what he'll look like as a kid?

Anyway, that's it for this episode! Any baby names for the final heir? Liked this episode? Or just want to describe the sweet taste of dark chocolate? Leave a comment below!

Until next time!
- lilypadmeulin

1 comment:

  1. Isaac is such a character!! Love his lil yoga workouts :P
