Monday 26 December 2016

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Fifteen (Boxing Day Special!)

I kind of wish that we had snow in the Sims. I mean, maybe just as a Christmas thing? Imagine, going outside and having a snowball fight! I think it would be fun.
But hey, who knows what could happen to the plants? And our plants are doing really well! The spliced plant keeps giving us Dragonfruit, and that is really cool, because they sell for quite a bit, and the actual Dragonfruit plant is growing splendidly.

The Christmas Wreath is still up, and will stay up until January the 6th (Twelfth Night, when us English folks take down our decorations). Hopefully, by the time I get to next year, we'll be able to afford a few more things. Maybe?
Hopefully. But hey, Christmas Wreath!

For some reason, Tada keeps taking naps on Rudolph's bed. Is this a territorial thing as the firstborn? Is this Tada's way of trying to pick a fight with his brother?
I have my suspicions.

Today was also a day where the sink broke. Maybe I need to invest in a better sink? Maybe with the money that the Dragonfruit brings in? Here we have Mariana desperately trying to keep washing up plates in the broken sink. Why. It's clearly broken, my child. Like, I had to replace that! It doesn't work.

Speaking of children, Vino was crying and I got this picture of Tada trying to calm down Vino, which was really cute! I mean, it didn't work (cuddles with Mummy Mariana were needed to soothe our youngest) but it was still adorable. He was shooshing him and everything!

Don't worry, Tada, Mariana's on her way!

Also, in case you were wondering what was behind the glass door, we now have two bathrooms. Sort of. See, everyone was needing the toilet at the same time, which was causing some issues, so some money had to be spent on resolving that. Voila! A new bathroom!

The first bathroom is constantly a mess at the moment. The sink keeps getting grubby (Issac is designated sink cleaner and repairer) which really does look awful.

Rudolph bought a couple of books (I mean, it is the day after Christmas, and they will benefit the whole house, seeing as they are skill books) and is happily reading away most of the time when left to his own devices. Maybe that is something to do with being a Loner?

I've also been trying my hardest to get Mariana practicing her Yoga to up her Wellness skill, but with Vino around, I often have to cancel it, because his father has developed special 'deaf to babies' ears. Sigh. One day, Mariana. Maybe one day we'll get you to a higher level via Yoga.

While she was rushing to Vino's aid, I  spotted a very familiar figure on our path. Zooming in, I find...
What the heck, Eliza.
Does she just stalk new Sims? Why is she doing push-ups on our path?

Tada and Rudolph also are getting along (bed stealing aside) which is kind of cute! Also, the expression on Tada's face here is pretty hilarious.

Unfortunately, the freshly cleaned sink then BROKE, denting the household funds.
Issac was too busy, so I had to replace it. It also left a huge puddle on the floor which needed mopping.

The shower also desperately needed cleaning, but that had to wait for Issac to stop being busy. Somehow, showers look worse than sinks when they're dirty.

And to wrap things up, have a picture of baby Vino, smiling away! Relatively (in comparison to his brothers) Vino is a very happy baby, and doesn't tend to cry for no reason. It's almost his birthday, so who knows what next episode might bring?

See you next episode!
- lilypadmeulin