Friday 16 December 2016

The Waveborn Legacy - Episode Four!

Last time on the Waveborn Legacy, Mariana had become pregnant (incoming second generation!). At the moment, though, she's reached the second trimester! Woo!
Here she is with her baby bump:
Aw. Little baby Tada (yes, that is the working name and probable name of the child).

Also, with the sinks, she and Issac have gained an important new skill - CLEANING UP AFTER THEMSELVES!

They've also pretended to be sea monsters for the neighbourhood kids...
 Gone jogging...

 And in Mariana's case, spent a little time simply hiding behind the corner of the house and creepin' on the father of her child. (Baby bump looks adorable in her little sailor suit!)

Also Issac continues to mop up outdoor water puddles. Might keep Neat as a family trait...

Until next time!


  1. I love how they pretended to be sea-monsters for the neighborhood kids, natural parent material ;)
